Friday, July 6, 2007


Well it's been forever since my last (and first) post here. That shouldn't actually surprise anyone, me least of all. A shift in the intension of the blog may increase my posting regularity, so I'll change this to a travel log / work log.

Here's my itinerary for the next months:
July 5th - July 19th: Manila, Philippines for work
July 20th - July 28th: Tortola, British Virgin Ilses for vacation
Aug 2nd - Aug 31st: Manila, Philippines for work

When we landed this morning the captain said over the PA:
"This is your captain speaking: you have just witnessed another perfect landing! The local time in Manila is 4am and the temperature is 31C with 88% humidity"
Between this and the last trip I managed to forget what effect that heat has, especially once you take that first step out of the airport.
Here is one in a long string of pictures that doesn't quite do the reality justice:
The afternoon storm just broke somewhere over our heads and the immense sound of the rain drowns out everything. Just rain mind you, not thunder... yet. I'm beginning to imagine a 747 hovering over the house because nothing else compares.

Hopefully I'll keep the updates coming. My main worry is the fact that I'll be working quite a bit and will have little time to do anything worth posting.

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