Sunday, January 20, 2008

Happy Festivus!

If the letter was your first introduction to this blog: Welcome! (But don't get your hopes up; spelling mistakes and obscure internet references abound making this blog the third least legible page on the net.)
If you've been here before seeing the letter: I apologize for the atrocities to literature you've witnessed in the name of friendship.

The first reports of people receiving my Festivus letter are trickling in. So I figure it must be way past time to have a post in which to comment and vote on my Web 2.0 approach to apartment improvements.

This current stint in the Philippines has sorely lacked in the blog update department. Sorry about that! I've been working way too much and haven't had time to plan any trips. I'm going slightly stir crazy so I'm planning some epic weekend trips. I've got 3 weekends left and each has an alloted excursion. Hopefully I'll have some pictures or stories to upload next week. Until then, Happy (Belated) Festivus!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Best two spelling errors I've seen so far, ranked:

2. "bettle" nut [betel nut]
1. mackrel [mackerel]

Return of the MACK-REL!