Thursday, November 29, 2007

Last minute ramble

(I'm not even going to try to make this post make any sense.)

I'm flying out tonight. And I would like to apologize anyone who I didn't get to see. Sorry!

While here I've added a third item to the "While I'm in the states to-do list". It's a new big project that should be fun for me and anyone who wants to help. Speaking of help... does anyone have a sewing machine I can borrow for a weekend?

Anyone bored at work? Take a few minutes to peruse this amazing list of online movies. (Via Boingboing). There are some really good memories hidden away in those Mb.

Among other news: I present the most epic disk golf picture... ever!
Okay, fine. Maybe not the most epic... but at least it's by far the best that includes me. Thanks to Trudie for the nice snap. (For those that are interested, that's hole 4 on the Golden Gate Course. And I picked up a par after that beautiful drive.)

See you all on the flip side!