Monday, July 9, 2007

Just when this place couldn't get any stranger

1) They have neon pink dragonflies. They look like suspended drops of Hawaiian Punch soda flying around. I tried to get photographic evidence of the encounter but the dragonfly decided to make a game of flying into focus, pausing long enough for the camera auto focus to grind into place, then zip out of view. What this means is that I won't be sharing my dozen pictures of grass or twigs with you.

2) Everyone wants to be whiter! They sell soap that bleaches your skin whiter, a drink that makes you grow 3 inches, clothes that only white people wear, and houses that turn their occupants magically into wealthy, white folk. How many morality tales revolve around the theme "Be careful what you wish for"? Being white in the Philippines is terrible: everyone stares at you, you get sunburned walking to the car, you're sent to the 5XL rack to look for clothes to fit, and your house falls down because it was built on reclaimed land.

3) It rains twice daily like clockwork. You'd think the rain would keep the temperature down, but that would be too normal. The friction and impact of rain striking the pavement seems to warm up the atmosphere. It's that or the 20 cars idling in the parking lot with the AC blasting.

4) Believe it or not, my glasses fog up every time I get out of a car or leave a building.

At least this place keeps me on my toes!

1 comment:

SergtPeppa said...

Hey! This is Nick. Wanting to be white seems to be a worldwide phenomenom. People in Ecuador are bleaching their hair and applying eye make up (to have blue eyes, since they usually don't, as one of my friends says) like it's going out of style. I can never catch flying things on film either. And yeah, rain and least I bet there are some great plants around there (some consolation, eh?)